I NEED A ROAD TRIP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My boss,(Linda 2) has been after me to take a vacation. (I think it’s more for her than me). She’s right though.(I hate it when that happens). I need one pretty bad.
 It’s starting to warm up a little and two of the bikes are wispering "Ride Me !". (Really) The old "Shaker Twin"650 started on the third kick after 2-3 months and the 1200 started quite easily. Both stay outside all winter.It MUST be a sign ! It might be dangerous to ignore it.
I received  a message last week that made me feel a little better. At least I know (or think I know…providing that I’m not being set up) that someone is at least alive, and I hope ok. I have no intention of causing any problems or going where I’m not wanted. It just made me feel better.
This weather had better get nasty or I won’t be able to resist the urge for a road trip. I’m getting VERY STRESSED !!!Confused
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