Return of the”T”

My boss gave back the Hammond that I gave her a few years ago. She claims she’s trying to sell her house and thinks that somehow,the organ will make that more difficult. (I really think it’s because she just doesn’t like me….oh well) She also claimed that she would really rather have the H-133 console.(kind of like a B-3 on steroids) She doesn’t think the T-595, which is a spinet with 44 key manuals is good enough.I figure that if a person can play a console with 61 key manuals, the spinets shouldn’t be that much different, but what do I know? I guess what it boils down to is that she gave that organ back to me ’cause it wasn’t big enough……I guess  with some people size matters.
Anyway, I now have nine organs (5 Hammonds,1 Lowrey,2 Yamahas and 1 Kimball) in this barn,along with 19 guitars,1 accordian,1 keyboard,2 harmonicas,a bunch of amps and a bunch of accessories. I NEED MORE !!!!!!
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